Direct Giving – cash, check, credit card or wire transfer

A direct gift to the AAPC Foundation can provide immediate benefits to meaningful programs.

• Tax deductible per given tax year

• Easy to do

A bequest gives you the immediate satisfaction of creating a lasting legacy ensuring the future of the Foundation and costs nothing now. You may make a bequest gift through our estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming the AAPCF as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The amount left to the Foundation can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given.

Bequest “sample language” “I hereby give to the AAPC Foundation, a Virginia
not-for-profit-corporation, with its principal place of business at Virginia to support the objectives and purposes of the AAPC Foundation. The sum of $________ and/or the following described property:_____________ and /or the following percentage of the residue of my estate:____________

A Donor Advised Fund allows you to make a tax-deductible gift today. Then in the future you can specify the AAPC Foundation gift amount with
cash, equities, stocks, bonds, etc. Your wealth advisor or the AAPC Foundation’s wealth advisor can help assist and facilitate the plan that best suits your needs.

DAFs are often utilized for:

  • Strategic long and short term giving
  • Immediate tax deductions
  • Estate tax planning

Support the AAPC Foundation with a gift from your IRA. It is simple and tax free.

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can donate up to $100,000 tax free to the AAPCF from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Couples with separate IRA accounts can give up to $200,000. Also, should you be required to make an IRA Required Minimal Distribution
(RMD), your IRA Administrator must make the gift directly to the AAPCF. Be sure to have the administrator include your name and social security number with a letter of instruction to simplify the process.

A CRT is a “split-interest” giving vehicle that enables people to give while
still generating income. Tax exempt and irrevocable, they are designed to reduce the taxable income of individuals. They are set up with a donation by the trustor that provides a partial tax deduction. They then operate by dispensing income to either the trustor or one or more named noncharitable beneficiaries for a specified period of time, after which they donate the remainder of the trust to one or more designated charitable beneficiaries.

• Tax deductible

• Lifetime income

• Estate planning strategy

You can name the AAPCF as the beneficiary of your life insurance policy and/or annuity. Under certain conditions, you may receive an income tax deduction.

  • Avoid cash value capital gains
  • Life settlement alternative to death benefit

– Collections, real estate, securities and non-cash assets.


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AAPC Foundation (AAPCF)

We aim to work closely with association members and stakeholders to advocate for the protection of free speech and to participate in public policy outcomes that have far-reaching implications.

becki donatelli


Your involvement is crucial in preserving the integrity and vitality of our democratic process. Together, we can make a lasting impact!